Can small dogs save your life?
A couple of weeks ago the RSPCA started a campaign to encourage more older people to consider getting a pet not only
Aging 2.0 – a step forward for age friendly design
Last Thursday, I was invited to talk at the Aging 2.0 event at Google's super cool CampusLondon venue. Aging 2.0 is a global network
How the Music Memory Box can help people with dementia
We have been running the Designing for the Future student design competition with the University of Brighton for three years now and
DFF features on Omhu blog
Really delighted that our student design competition, "Designing for the Future", featured last week on the blog of US company, Omhu, designers of very beautiful
Quoted in new ILC-UK Report
I was delighted to be quoted in the report on the future of care homes, Care Home, Sweet Home, published today by
Students tackle faceblindness and memory loss
More designs here from our "Designing for the Future" student design competition. Prosopagnosia device by Isobel Goodacre Isobel Goodacre's design aims to help
Student design competition steps up a gear as winners are announced
Our student design competition, Designing for the Future, stepped up a gear this year with winners being offered a mentoring package in
Family Top Trumps and cups of tea
Last week we announced the winners of our student design competitiion. “Designing for the Future” run by The Future Perfect Company
More student designs from this year’s DFF
Memory Decanter by Joshua Barnes Joshua's Memory Decanter is a decanter that provides access to a person’s digital archive. By scanning the
Prosthetic leg and knitted crutches stand out at New Designers Show
Yesterday I went to New Designers 2012, which is the UK's most important graduate design exhibition. Top of my list of stands to visit was the
Hey! We have an
Apple Forum!
Nulla molestie tortor nec lectus venenatis, sed blandit dui finibus. Curabitur feugiat vulputate purus ipsums dolores ficilis uns etra.
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