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About Philippa Aldrich

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So far Philippa Aldrich has created 204 blog entries.

DFF at Mobility Roadshow

    The Mobility Roadshow is a major consumer event showcasing mobility innovation which this year celebrated its 30th anniversary. For the last three years, Enabled by Design and Such and Such Design have curated the Design Zone as a space to showcase a range of good design that supports independent living, from early stage


Stunning digital quilt impresses at Brighton Graduate Show

One of the highlights of the "Designing for the Future" Competition over the past couple of years has been seeing the project's alumni continuing to explore the themes from the Competition into their final year. Last year, Joshua Barnes entered the "Designing for the Future" Competiton with his Memory Decanter. This year Josh's digital quilts were the


DFF alumnus showcases his final year work

William Green entered his clock reminder project into our "Designing for the Future" Competition last year. Now about to graduate, he will be exhibiting his "Frugal" furniture and "Longevity Stools" at this year's Graduate Show at the University of Brighton. The idea behind the "Frugal Bench" (pictured) is to maximize the productivity of the material and address


Pigs trotters’ jelly or real “gummy” sweets, anyone?

Poppy Wilson St James is another of our "Designing for the Future" alumni and her final year health-related project is concerned with communicating relevant, but sometimes inaccessible facts about food in original and engaging ways. All very topical in the light of the various recent food scandals. I was particularly struck by the idea of the pig's


How a student designer came up with a “chap-style” prosthetic leg

As the world turns its attention to the paralympics and the Blade Runner, Oscar Pistorius, designer Hanna Mawbey describes how her sister's congenital illness triggered an interest in medical aids which led her to design a prosthetic leg which owes more to craft than technology. My interest in the design of medical equipment has its roots
