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About Philippa Aldrich

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So far Philippa Aldrich has created 204 blog entries.

Product design – the next step for the independent living market

A year ago, the emerging independent living market was grappling with the dual challenges of raising awareness of the products available to help people live independently and convincing consumers of the benefits of products which often had negative associations. This time last year there seemed to be 4 models: 1. “Trip- Advisor” style consumer-led rating


RSA Design Awards

2013 is turning out to be another busy year! As well as running the Designing for the Future competition with the Faculty of Arts, University of Brighton, I have been invited to judge the RSA Student Design Awards and in particular the category, The Good Journey. The Good Journey brief, sponsored by NCR, challenges students to make


Move It or Lose It! founder wins major award

Fantastic to hear that Julie Robinson, founder of Move It or Lose It! exercise DVDs has won a National Diversity Award. The Awards celebrate the achievements of grass-root communities tackling the issues in today's society.  Julie picked up the Entrepreneurial Award for Excellence in the Age category. Julie Robinson is a specialist teacher of exercise for
