We were excited yesterday to launch Designing for the Future 2017 at the University of Brighton’s newly refurbished Edward Street building.

Now in its eighth year, hundreds of UK design students have taken part in this project devised by Philippa Aldrich of The Future Perfect Company to encourage designers to consider the challenges of ageing and produce products and services which will meet the needs and aspirations of our ageing population.

This year’s project will focus on dementia which is projected to affect 1,142,677 people in the UK by 2025 and 2,092,945 by 2051, an increase of 40% over the next 12 years and of 156% over the next 38 years.

Students from across the University of Brighton’s College of Art will be involved from a range of disciplines including  3D design, illustration, fashion and architecture.

The project will be led by Philippa and lecturer Stefano Santilli with input from design and health professionals such as Jack Durling, Professor Bobbie Farsides,  The Able Label, Active Minds and Dementia Friends.

The project runs from February to May when the winners will be announced.