William Green entered his clock reminder project into our “Designing for the Future” Competition last year. Now about to graduate, he will be exhibiting his “Frugal” furniture and “Longevity Stools” at this year’s Graduate Show at the University of Brighton.

The idea behind the “Frugal Bench” (pictured) is to maximize the productivity of the material and address the huge wastage of material from tree to product.

The “Longevity Stool” project on the other hand (also pictured above) explores the ways in which personality and character can be embedded in a new piece of furniture so as to make it more valuable to the owner and ensure its longevity – themes we have previously explored in “Designing for the Future”. Will does this here by imprinting on the stools images from their past – the felled tree, the craftsman’s fingerprint.

I am looking forward to seeing both projects when the Graduate Show opens next week.