One of the many projects I have been involved with in 2017 is the re-invigoration of the Michael Aldrich Foundation of which I am Chair.

The Michael Aldrich Foundation is an independent charity which exists to promote education and in particular arts education. It has its origins in the University of Brighton with which it still works in partnership. We are grateful to designer and DFF alumnus Charles Palmer for his work on the new identity and logo.

The jewel in the crown of the Foundation is the Aldrich Collection of art and design which is hosted at the University. The Collection numbers some 400 works of painting, drawing, sculpture and ceramics dating back to the beginnings of the Brighton Art School in the mid 1800s. Important areas of the Collection include works by John Vernon Lord, George Hardie, Brendan Neiland, Alan Davie, Quentin Blake, Kenneth McKendry and Mark Power. More details can be found here :

We have a new trustee board and in 2018 we will be looking for ways to raise the profile of this unique collection in the City of Brighton and beyond and to encourage the use of the work in community projects.