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University of Brighton

The University of Brighton and particularly the Dean of the College of Art & Humanities, Professor Anne Boddington, have supported Designing for the Future from its inception in 2010. Starting as a competition for Design & Craft students, DFF has grown so that it is now an option across all the creative disciplines in the


Peter Dale from South EastEngland Forum on Ageing (SEEFA) was one of our Designing for the Future judges this year and Philippa was delighted to be asked by him to join the AGE UK and SEEFA Policy Panel on Later Life and Ageing at the stunning Royal Air Force Club in London in November. SEEFA and Age UK

2017-02-03T14:15:10+00:00DFF, TFPC|

Student designs focus on reducing malnutrition in older adults

University of Brighton student Benson Pocock took second place in this year’s Designing for the Future Competition with his 5 Knives Concept which aims to tackle malnutrition in older people. Benson’s design is aimed at the 65+ demographic which is one of the biggest demographic cohorts today. In 2010 there were 524 million people worldwide aged

2017-01-24T10:14:07+00:00DFF, DFF-Brighton|

Designing for the Future tackles dementia and smart technology

This year’s Designing for the Future Competition invited students from the University of Brighton’s College of Arts & Humanities to develop innovative new products and design concepts to benefit people affected by dementia. A parallel project with students studying product design investigated smart technology. In each case, students were encouraged to produce design outcomes

2017-02-01T10:54:53+00:00DFF, DFF-Brighton, TFPC|

Catching up with some of our talented DFF alumni

We are always excited to find out to hear from our talented Designing for the Future alumni and find out what they are up to. Chloe Meineck, designer of the Music Memory Box will be showcasing her work at this year's Alzheimers Show at London's Olympia on 10-11 June. Chloe has also joined the